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Tag Archives: RTU Latvia

September 2, 2023

Riga Technical University (RTU) is the oldest technical university in the Baltic countries established on October 14, 1862. It is located in Riga, Latvia and was previously known as Riga Polytechnic Institute.

Riga Polytechnical Institute was re-established in 1958 by splitting off the engineering departments from the State University of Latvia. In 1990, it was renamed to Riga Technical University.

Faculties in RTU

    1. Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
    2. Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication
    3. Faculty of E learning Technology and Humanities
    4. Faculty of Electrical and Environmental Engineering
    5. Faculty of Computer Science and IT
    6. Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
    7. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics
    8. Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management
    9. Faculty of Civil Engineering

In the 2022, RTU was ranked 57th among the universities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


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